Controlling the Chaos Days 240-269

Now is your chance to purge all those items you skimmed over or haven’t gotten to yet.

Please keep in mind this list was created with our home in mind.  Yours may vary slightly, or you may still be working on items from the previous checklist.

This month is all about purging, not organizing, not cleaning, just purging our home of everything we can put into the garage sale before winter.  Originally we planned our garage sale just to clear our home of clutter, but with the huge amount of medical bills we now have I am hoping to use my part of the proceeds to rebuild our emergency fund.  AND I have promised myself that nothing left from the sale will still be here after 7 days.  Seven days gives me enough time to drop it off to the various resale, consignment and donation shops we frequent. 

What are you going to do with your items?  Decide NOW before you just create “another” pile.

Note:  Before you view this list and feel overwhelmed, REMEMBER you have already downsized most of these areas once this year; now you are simply retracing those areas to see if there are more items you are comfortable parting with.

Day 240:  Monthly Checklist

Day 241:  Purge Tablecloths & Napkins

Day 242:  Purge Curtains & Curtain Rods


Day 243:  Weekly Checklist

Day 244:  Purge Makeup & Nail Polish

Day 245:  Purge & Clean Jewelry

Day 246:  Purge & Organize Cleaning Supplies

Day 247:  Purge & Organize Hair Appliances and Supplies

Day 248:  Purge & Organize The Rest Of The Master Bathroom

Day 249:  Outside Maintenance


Day 250:  Weekly Checklist

Day 251:  Purge & Straighten The Entry Closet

Day 252:  Purge, Clean, & Straighten DVDs and VHS Tapes

Day 253:  Purge, Clean, & Organize Books

Day 254:  Purge, Clean, & Organize CDS and Tapes

Day 255:  Purge Magazines

Day 256:  Decorate For Fall


Day 257:  Weekly Checklist 

Day 258:  Purge ALL Adult Tops

Day 259:  Purge ALL Adult Bottoms

Day 260:  Purge ALL Socks, Undies, Swimwear, & PJs

Day 261:  Purge ALL Dress Clothes

Day 262:  Purge Hubby’s Clothes

Day 263:  Outside Maintenance


Day 264:  Weekly Checklist

Day 265:  Purge The Garage You know there is still stuff out there that needs to go.

Day 266:  Evaluate Purge/Repair ALL Furniture

Day 267:  Purge any areas you feel need it.  Create signs for the rummage sale.

Day 268:  Have a Rummage Sale Or Deliver Donations & Consignments

Day 269:  Have a Rummage Sale Or Deliver Donations & Consignment

For ideas on how to organize AFTER your purge checkout our Pinterest boards.

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