I am excited to share the first post in our “Welcome to Our House Series”, for the next few months we want to share how we prepped and staged our home before placing it on the market. We are starting with the first thing visitors will see…the entry. Why not come on in and check it out? Make sure to share what you think after you have had the full tour. We love encouragement, tips and even additional ideas.
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Welcome to Day #1 of the 30 Day Organizing Challenge!
Today we are discovering ways to control the incoming paper monster.
Want to know what the 30 Day Organizing Challenge is? Click here to discover the details and join us in this amazing life changing month.
Have you noticed that even with the digital age upon us we still have piles of paper landing on the counter, desk, side tables and who knows where else? Many of those piles can be easily stopped with the quick easy steps we share today.
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Welcome to our 2016 Goal Update. I chose to title this post, “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” because that is EXACTLY what it is. Read more »
Tags: 2016, Budget, Business, Business Goals, Decluttering, Dreams, goals, Health, Helath GOals, Home, Hopes, Organizing, Plans, Savings, Savings Goals, Spending
Uncategorized | Tina Miller |
September 30, 2016 11:48 am |
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Now is your chance to purge all those items you skimmed over or haven’t gotten to yet.
Please keep in mind this list was created with our home in mind. Yours may vary slightly, or you may still be working on items from the previous checklist.
This month is all about purging, not organizing, not cleaning, just purging our home of everything we can put into the garage sale before winter. Originally we planned our garage sale just to clear our home of clutter, but with the huge amount of medical bills we now have I am hoping to use my part of the proceeds to rebuild our emergency fund. AND I have promised myself that nothing left from the sale will still be here after 7 days. Seven days gives me enough time to drop it off to the various resale, consignment and donation shops we frequent.
What are you going to do with your items? Decide NOW before you just create “another” pile.
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Welcome back to Controlling the Chaos! It is a new month and a fresh start. This month we are going to catch our breaths, recover from cleaning the kids rooms and supplies and prepare for an amazing school year.
If you are just joining us you are welcome to start at Day 1 OR you can join us right where we are today.
Whatever your choice, it is time to take action and CONTROL YOUR CHAOS!
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Big changes are coming to Treasured Tidbits in 2017!!!
Changes I can’t wait to put into place and see what takes shape.
For starters my oldest daughter has joined our journey and is taking over the VA jobs, freeing up my time.
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Tags: 2017, Changes, Decluttering, DIY, Featured Moms, Financial Freedom, Home Decor, Low Budget, Menu Planning, Plans
Encouragement | Tina Miller |
July 25, 2016 11:59 am |
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Controlling the Chaos Days 178-208
This is month has been set aside to devote to preparing your home for the upcoming school year. If you do not have school aged children you can devote it to getting your office, craft room or other area “under control”. We have also set aside every 7 days for Weekly Maintenance and Outside Maintenance since most homes have some sort of yard or outdoor space that needs regular maintenance.
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Tags: Chaos, Controlling the CHaos, Decluttering, Homework, Office Supplies, Organizing, School Prep, School Supplies, Station, Study
Controlling the Chaos | Tina Miller |
June 28, 2016 1:37 pm |
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If you have been following along since the beginning you have managed to conquer your kitchen, paper, digital, garage and outdoor chaos in the past six months.
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Why I Love My New Desk
As I write this I am still unsure what I want to share and if you, as readers, even care but I am determined to write and share it.
As many of you know it has been another crazy season here at Treasured Tidbits and nothing much has gone according to plan BUT we are still pressing on.
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If you are just joining the “Controlling the Chaos” Challenge we want to say Welcome we are happy to have you with us.
If you have been with us for awhile and followed along from the beginning I want to offer you a great, big high five!
You have conquered your paper piles, taken control of your digital disasters, and are learning to maintain your success thus far.
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