Spinning Shoe Rack
How many of you struggle with bending over to pick up your shoes? Or even finding their mates? This spinning shoe rack is not only pretty but super practical for reducing the pain and stress caused by storing them on the floor or in a box.
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Who couldn’t use a bit more closet rod space?
Today I thought I would share some of the great tools we use to fit two teenage girls into one closet without being overcrowded or messy. I had never even heard of most of these items before I joined Clever Container, but now I wonder how we survived the tiny house we used to live in without them. Please don’t think this is a sales pitch. It isn’t, BUT I am leaving a link to my Clever Facebook page so you can discover more inspiration. I am also sharing DIY, Amazon and Dollar Store alternatives to help you put your special touch on things. Read more »
Tags: Belt Hanger, Cami Hanger, Clever Closet, Clever Container, Clever Organizer, CLoset Rod Organization, CLothes, Hat Hanger, Jewlry Hanger, Non slip, Organization, Pocket Hanger, Shoe Organizer, Storage, Sweater Caddy, Velvet Hanger, Vertical CLoset Sotrage
Organization | Tina Miller |
October 20, 2016 12:42 am |
Comments (1)

If you have been following our 30 Day Organizing Challenge you know today is the day we tackle the bathroom counter and sink. You also know that we believe that organizing should be simple, inexpensive and work with YOUR home and YOUR needs. Hopefully, one of these ideas will inspire you to begin organizing your space today.
10 Simple Ways to Organize & Beautify Your Bathroom Counter
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Under the Bathroom Sink
This can be the trickiest area in the bathroom to organize. If you factor in the fact that guests like to snoop there, water can leak there, and no one wants to stand on their head looking for things. Do they? I know I don’t, especially with my physical challenges. Read more »

20 Tips & Tools to Maximize YOUR Kitchen Drawers
Are YOU maximizing your kitchen drawer space?
Not sure? Keep reading to find out.
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Are your refrigerator and freezer organized?
Do you want them to be organized?
I know I do. I also know that refrigerator/freezer organization is something our house struggles with every.single.day. If it isn’t bad enough, that no two bottles can be the same size, they have to be varying shapes too. Factor in various leftovers, fruit and veggies, food intolerances and allergies and your refrigerator/freezer can begin to look like a war zone.
Hopefully, some of these refrigerator freezer organization tools, tips and hacks will help you (and me) do just that.
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While, I love all those beautiful pantries where everything is colored coded, has a perfect home and is organized in beautifully coordinated labeled pieces, I realize that for many of us having fancy food and pantry organization is simply not possible. We are happy just to be even remotely organized. I think that beautiful, matching, color coded pantries are great, BUT I think that “Using what you have, where you are, for what you need”, especially while you are trying to build your emergency fund or pay off debt, is even more important. Being organized in the kitchen can save you money, but I don’t feel it’s necessary to go broke to get there. I know we didn’t. Read more »
Tags: Amazon, Americana, Beans, Budget, Clever Container, eat from the pantry, Kitchen, Mantel Display, Organization, Organizing, Pantry
Organization | Tina Miller |
October 8, 2016 9:03 am |
Comments (1)
14 Fun, Simple Ways to Organize Your Kitchen Utensils Today

Everyone has kitchen utensils, probably oodles & oodles of kitchen utensils. Utensils you can’t live without, utensils you have never used, utensils you don’t know how to use and even utensils you don’t know where they came from. Yep, everyone has utensils.
At our house we have two drawers, a Pampered Chef Tool Caddy & Crock and even two small lidded containers on our lazy Susan with “utensils.” I LOVE my utensils and yes, you will notice than 80% of them are from Pampered Chef. I used to sell it and I find it very helpful in aiding me in cooking and prepping with my EDS. This is where I confess that I actually purged my collection of kitchen utensils less than a year ago, and I still have ALL of these left plus the two overflow containers on the lazy Susan. I even revisited the sorting method for this series and I still kept them ALL. I WANT them all. I USE them all. That means, I need to organize them all.
What about you ? How many do you have? Are they stored in a pretty, practical way that works for you?
If so, fantastic. If not, we have put together this great list as well as a Pinterest Board full of AWESOME photos, ideas and links.
Click the photos or blue words below to take you to the original sites, more great ideas and DIY tutorials. We tried to inspire you by sharing items you could find within your home or create in a day. For more in depth projects or items to purchase, be sure to follow our Kitchen Utensil Organization Board here. Read more »
Tags: CHallenge, DIY, Frugal, Kitchen, Kitchen Utensils, Ktichen, Organization, Organizing, Pampered Chef, Spatula, Spoon
Organization | Tina Miller |
October 6, 2016 11:04 pm |
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- What’s Under YOUR kitchen sink?
- What would you like to keep under your kitchen sink?
- What do you use the most that is under your kitchen sink?
These are 3 VERY important questions to ask and answer before you begin organizing under your kitchen sink or anywhere for that matter. Read more »

If you are just joining the “Controlling the Chaos” Challenge we want to say Welcome we are happy to have you with us.
If you have been with us for awhile and followed along from the beginning I want to offer you a great, big high five!
You have conquered your paper piles, taken control of your digital disasters, and are learning to maintain your success thus far.
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