Yep, folks we made it!
It is officially 2017, and I cannot wait to share the amazing things we have planned for 2017!!!
I have heard so many people say they couldn’t be happier that 2016 is over, and I can’t say I am not one of them. 2016 was full of ups and downs for those of us at Treasured Tidbits, not only financially but physically and emotionally as well. But… we persevered and we are ready to CRUSH 2017 in both our businesses and personal life.
I have been looking forward to today for months.
Today is the first day of a New Year, new chances and new business adventures. Business adventures we have been planning, cultivating and diligently building for months. I can’t wait to share them with you, but before we begin a 2017 overload, I want to share our main goals for 2017. Notice, I don’t call them resolutions because to me resolutions are easily broken, but goals are something to be attained, something to aim for and can be put aside in a time of trouble to be restarted when that trial passes. Our top five goals for 2017 are:
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Tags: 2017, Amazing, Budget, Business Goals, Encouragement, Finances, Financial Goals, goals, Organizing, Plans, Year
Encouragement | Tina Miller |
January 1, 2017 7:47 pm |
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Welcome to our 2016 Goal Update. I chose to title this post, “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” because that is EXACTLY what it is. Read more »
Tags: 2016, Budget, Business, Business Goals, Decluttering, Dreams, goals, Health, Helath GOals, Home, Hopes, Organizing, Plans, Savings, Savings Goals, Spending
Uncategorized | Tina Miller |
September 30, 2016 11:48 am |
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February is upon us folks!
Do you know what this means?
It means we survived another month; spiritually, financially and physically! Woo Hoo! I am celebrating!!! Everyday in God’s world is another day to rejoice.
I promised to share a one month goal update and here it is; the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Yep, I am putting it all out there in cold hard facts.
2016 Goal Update (Month One)
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2016 Goals
10 Day Update

Several of you have inquired about our “goals” for 2016 and if we are still on track. I am thrilled to say, for the most part, YES WE ARE!!!
And here is a little update:
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Welcome to Just Make Do-Day 3
How is your family coping with the “Just Make Do” concept?
Ours is already struggling!

I honestly didn’t expect to struggle with “Just Make Do-January” until at least week two but we have already had a few comments from my teens and hubby.
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Normally I am not one to set “goals” for the up coming year. No “New Year Resolutions” for me. I am simple. I am boring, and most days I am just happy to putter along. I make lists. I make plans, but with life the way it is I don’t usually set goals and definitely don’t make resolutions.
THIS YEAR I am setting multiple goals; some will be hard and others will be easy.
I have decided it would be wise t0 share my goals for 2016 with everyone, ask them to motivate me and help me stay accountable. (Yep, there is that word again. You will see it a lot at Treasured Tidbits in 2016.)
I will be sharing updates on our goal progress, as well as sharing tips and pointers on how we are accomplishing some of them. Such as saving $5,000-$10,000 while paying for two newly installed wood floors, paying off multiple medical bills, controlling the chaos we call paperwork and a house, and getting a handle on our health.
I hope that our ups and downs, tips, tricks, and mistakes may inspire you as well.
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Hope everyone is having a great New Year!
I know we are on this frozen snowy day.
I cannot believe how much we have accomplished in the last week and how free it makes me feel.
I decided Sunday would be a good time to share our “week in review” and my “goals” for the following week.
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Confessions of a Procrastinating, Physically Challenged Hoarder and Her Plan to Get Control
“Changing one room, one day, one month, one project and one habit at a time.”
That is my new motto.
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