Welcome to Day #1 of the 30 Day Organizing Challenge!
Today we are discovering ways to control the incoming paper monster.
Want to know what the 30 Day Organizing Challenge is? Click here to discover the details and join us in this amazing life changing month.
Have you noticed that even with the digital age upon us we still have piles of paper landing on the counter, desk, side tables and who knows where else? Many of those piles can be easily stopped with the quick easy steps we share today.
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Controlling the Chaos Challenge-Days 10-14
Apparently I have am MUCH farther behind (in posting) for this series than I anticipated. I have been following my calendar but I have not been sharing with you and I apologize.
I can’t say our house has been chaotic. It has actually been quite calm (and neat) but we have been struggling with more difficult than usual health issues, which of course effects, everything. That, in addition to the all the projects I have going, plus internet issues has definitely set me back on posting this series but enough excuses, let’s get down to business.
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Controlling the Chaos
Day 5
Creating Systems That Work For You

Today we are going to plan and possibly create paper systems that work for each of us individually. Yes, I said systems, plural. The goal isn’t just to create a filing system that you drop things in and forget about for months at a time, but a working, useful system for everything.
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This is it!
2016 is finally upon us and it is time to dig in and Control the Chaos.
Because paperwork is the nemesis of millions of homes, my own included, paper is where we chose to start. If we can control the paper we have and gain control of the paper coming in, so much more of our lives would be less chaotic.
We will have less missed appointments, last minute or day late birthday wishes, over due bills or missed out deals. Controlling paperwork will create less stress over all.
Below you will find the “Control the Chaos” January schedule both a printable version and an online version. Yes, we are are adding to the paper pile. It may be a necessary evil for now.
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