Controlling the Chaos-Day 5-Creating Systems That Work For You
Controlling the Chaos
Day 5
Creating Systems That Work For You
Today we are going to plan and possibly create paper systems that work for each of us individually. Yes, I said systems, plural. The goal isn’t just to create a filing system that you drop things in and forget about for months at a time, but a working, useful system for everything.
- Coupons
- Receipts
- Medical records
- Bills
- Items that need you to “take action” on (call, go on-line, follow-up, etc…)
- Store Coupons
- Ads, shopping lists
- Menus
- Recipes
- Pictures
- Cards
- Kids Artwork
- Business Papers
- Business Cards
- Important Papers (tax forms, marriage license, birth certificates, etc…)
- Incoming mail, schoolwork, bills, etc…
- Appointment Reminder Cards
- Filing
- Shredding
- Recycling
Please add any items you need to find a solution for while you are scheming.
To get you started our Paper Organization Pinterest board has some great ideas.
Here is a glimpse at a few of the methods that we love and are planning on tweaking and beautifying in 2016.
We will share in detailed posts or videos in the next few days.
Our Current Incoming Control Systems
- After the mail is opened and papers come in they stop here.
- If it doesnt need filed or handled. It goes directly to be recycled or shredded.
Coupon Organization
We have ceased using the large yellow organizer (except when mall shopping because I prefer to use the binder for large store and grocery store shopping).
Our Replacement Shopping Binder
(Wait until you see how it is set up)
Our Filing Systems
(Old files past last year are shredded, scanned or placed into a filing cabinet in our basement. I prefer paper copies but I am learning to scan and let some go, especially receipts because they tend to fade over time.)
- All our files from 2015 (except medical)
- Our attempts to begin organizing Daughter B’s medical records by year. This is only a portion of them.
We will be adding a pretty “in box” for the days I am not home to grab the mail or receipts and a pretty “out box” so that my envelopes are not sitting on the counter when I write checks. Yes, I still write checks regularly.
I have several goals for upgrading and making my systems more fun to use but these are the systems I intend to build on.
Please remember you do not have to create your systems today but you should gather your supplies and have an idea so that you can begin creating them tomorrow.
We will focus a bit more on last year’s papers, incoming paperwork and problem areas. Please keep in mind you are creating a system to TRY. Don’t spend hours trying to make it beautiful and perfect at this stage but create something that you can TRY and see before you invest a lot of time and money.
I want to recreate this idea with a smaller box for incoming projects BUT I will not create the liner and paint it until I discover if it works for us.
What does this mean? For the next few weeks I will have a not so pretty box sitting in our “intake” area until we decide if it is helpful.
Remember we are practicing “Just Make Do January” and “No Spend 2016” while we try to SAVE $10,000 by the end of the year. I do not intend to purchase ANY new organizing tools for the entire year of “Controlling the Chaos”. I may create a few and earn a few more at my upcoming Clever Container Party.
By the way, I love this company and the link above is to my consultant. If you see something you want and can order between now and January 23rd you are welcome to add it to my party to increase my sales. If you like the product as much as I do you can set up your own on-line or in home party by using the same site. It is a great company, the product is strong and well made and we are actually considering becoming consultants ourselves in 2017 (after No Spend 2016 ends).
Yes, I just put in a plug for a company that isn’t paying me. I just wanted to share that this great company was out there.
{Please tell me if you enjoyed this post by leaving comments below, pinning, or sharing on Facebook. It a lot of courage to share my unfinished projects and my party link}.
How are you doing with the “Controlling the Chaos” program so far?
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Other Links to this Post
Treasured Tidbits by Tina » Controlling the Chaos-Sort, File, Shred, Scan and Organize Those Papers! — January 6, 2016 @ 6:27 pm
Treasured Tidbits by Tina » Controlling the Chaos Challenge-Days 10-14 — January 14, 2016 @ 10:41 pm
Treasured Tidbits by Tina 9 Month Goal Update- The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - Treasured Tidbits by Tina — December 19, 2016 @ 3:33 pm
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