The 7 Minute Home Maintenance Plan (That Works)
A few weeks ago, I shared how a 3-layer chocolate cake changed my view on life and “clutter”. I wasn’t sure that I should be so open and honest in a post about my home, family and shortcomings, but it was a hit with the people who needed it. Over 50% of those who read it, went on to share it and many contacted me to let me know just how much it struck a chord with them.
That is what I pray for when I create a blog post, not to go viral, but to inspire others to be uplifted or aided by my post. (Not that I would mind going viral.)
Today I want to share how I have been maintaining the house now that it has been “de-cluttered” and is much, much easier to maintain.
I call it “zoning” or “maintenance” rather than cleaning.
It just makes it sound so much easier and less stressful.
Don’t you think?