Zero Budget Scarecrow How-To



Today I want to introduce you to Front Porch Frank.  He is our newest Scarecrow and my new best friend.  He listens to my problems, doesn’t talk back and scares me every time I round the corner because I forget he’s there.  Yep, it is an entertaining sight for the neighbors I’m sure since I tend to be deep in thought and suddenly I am squealing and grabbing my heart because there is a man sitting on my front porch. This is where I confess Frank has been in the same chair, same location for well over 2 weeks so I should be used to his company, but those boots still surprise me every.single.time.


I think Frank looks pretty darn good for being created from a ZERO budget.  Yep, you heard that right.  ZERO BUDGET!!!  Front Porch Frank was created from upcycled items, my hoard collections and lots of imagination.  He is the first porch scarecrow I have EVER created and has me questioning WHY it took so long.  He was sooooooo simple and fun to make.

Our supplies came from the following:  jeans my grandmother had sent to be turned into a rug, an old flannel we had saved to create our pole scarecrows last year, boots we had hoarded kept to upcycle into a really cool birdhouse like this, a hat I grabbed years ago from a FREE box at a garage sale,  plastic stuffing we receive in our Amazon deliveries, and craft supplies I already had on hand.

To be honest, when I began creating Frank I had not.a.clue. what I was going to do.  I simply knew I wanted a porch scarecrow and I wanted my momma to be able to help, so I went to the basement and began scavenging.  That’s when I realized I had a ton of the large packing material, grandmother’s old jeans, my choice of used of gardening gloves and even some burlap material I could paint.

We had a blast!!!


Here are the results and “tweaked” instructions.  I won’t share how many methods we tried or holes I put in my fingers attempting to safety pin blind, or how many times we back tracked and started over because I didn’t think far enough ahead.  Just know that it wasn’t as simple to do on your own as it might sound, but…. it was fun and at times entertaining. So much so that I am thinking he may get a wife or son for next year.  I already added the supplies (clothing) to my rummage/free box/resale shop/rag list.  Have I mentioned how much I absolutely love scarecrows and fall?

Front Porch Frank



Scarecrow head– You can find the link to the one we used here.

Safety Pins

Straw Hat

Brick/Large Rock

Weighted boots or boots with rocks to fill

Raffia/Jute Twine

Jeans or Bibs

Flannel Shirt


Choice of Stuffing– We used this packing material and holey grocery bags for the head and hands.

Frame/Support– We used a short 1×2 to begin with, then switched to a bent garden stake we had on hand.  It was a few inches taller and looked better for pictures.

Accessories:  I had these two gourd pumpkins I had painted years ago and thought they added a bit of fun to his boring lap.  I would have normally purchased some pumpkins, but since we are saving and not spending I chose to skip them and am happy to say I have not regretted it yet.

Frontporch Frank, the scarecrow, has been on our porch for the past 2 weeks+ and has lasted through some serious winds, nasty rains and yucky heat, so I know he will last.

Want to make your own?  

You do?  Then let’s get started.

Fun, Fall Scarecrow How-To

NOTE:  Because Frank will be outside, you need to make certain he is stable and won’t have his “parts” blowing all over the neighbor hood or being carried off by the crows.  The bricks, rocks and twine will help with this, but how much you will need will depend on the size of your Frank.

Stuff the boots  Our boots were already heavy, but we added a few rocks to ensure he wasn’t doing a jig on the porch every time the wind blew.

Slip the bottom of the pants OVER the boots  This helps ensure they remain as one piece and keep the legs in place.


Stuff the pant legs and top of the boots  Tip: We used the longest pieces of stuffing for this- making less work and giving his legs a more uniform look.

Add a brick to the inside of Frank’s derriere  We used an everyday yard brick but any brick, stone or large rock should do.  If Frank will not be sitting, you can skip this step.

Safety Pin Frank’s Shirt waist to his pant waist  Make sure the shirt is on the INSIDE to reduce the risk of chasing your stuffing later.


Begin stuffing Franks’s shirt  This can be fun, as each piece and movement will change Frank’s dimensions.  Since we created Frank, he has been VERY manly, a well endowed woman and even a woman recovering from a mastectomy.  Yes, we intentionally made him lopsided to add some humor to our day since my grandmother was recently told she needed to undergo a mastectomy.  I am under regular supervision to monitor my own masses and my momma had surgery not once, but twice, resulting in a mastectomy just a short ten years ago.  We all had a good laugh and then worked hard to make him a bit more uniform in dimension.

I recommend stuffing his arms with the smaller pieces and filling his belly with the larger ones.  DO NOT overfill him, as you will be adding the stake and his head soon.


After creating Frank’s head, following the Simple Scarecrow How-To found here.


Insert the 1×2 stake you chose to use and begin stuffing.  Once his head is the consistency you like, run a thick thread through the base of the burlap and pull tight.

Slip the stake into the back of Frank’s shirt and settle it into the chair securely.

Safety pin Frank’s shirt to his face to keep it in place and reduce the chance of his bits blowing around, yet again.

Tip:  Frank’s shirt collar will be MUCH larger around than the base of his head.  Pin each front collar section in place, THEN add the remaining pins so that the front looks good and the excess is invisible in the back.


Stuff each glove with your choice of stuffing.  We used Walmart bags because we could gently push a little into each finger and give his hands some depth.

Tip:  Use a crochet hook, spoon handle or other long thin item to stuff each finger.

Now it is time for the raffia or jute twine!!!

Tie at least 3 strips of raffia or jute twine around the following:

Both boots, both arms, his neck and quite possibly his waist.

Once done, trim to desired length.  Fluff his frame, adjust his legs, share his pic on Facebook or Instagram with #treasuredtidbitsfrontporchfrank

We would LOVE to see the results and hear how much you enjoyed making your creation.  We know we enjoyed sharing him with you.

step-by-step-zero-budget-scarecrow-how-toIf you enjoyed this how-to and would like to see me share more please, please, please comment below.  It is the only way to know that someone appreciates what I do and likes my ideas.  If you are a blogger with fun fall posts feel free to share them in our Sharing Saturday link up available each week on our main page.

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Talk of the Town @ My {Re}Purposed Life

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  • By Glenda B., September 5, 2018 @ 11:17 pm

    I absolutely adore the scarecrow. He is so adorable. I hope to make one soon for the front porch. Yes I would love to see you make more like this. Maybe a wife & kids for him would be really cool! Keep them coming for he is just to cute. Thanks for the tutorial for how to make him. Hope to see more coming soon. Have a good one & God bless.

  • By Tina Miller, September 7, 2018 @ 7:56 am

    Thank you Glenda.

    His wife Friendly Frannie will be joining him at bit later in 2018.

    She’s working on the harvest right now. 🙂

  • By Kim~madeinaday, September 6, 2018 @ 10:54 am

    He is too cute! I have a skeleton I dress up and sit in my living room for Halloween and he scares me every time. I forget he’s there! Thank you for sharing on Merry Monday! Hope to see ya next week!

  • By Tina Miller, September 7, 2018 @ 7:54 am

    Thank you Kim. We will be there!

  • By Jann Olson, September 12, 2018 @ 9:14 pm

    Frank is certainly fun! Thanks for sharing him with SYC.

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  1. Treasured Tidbits by Tina Sharing Saturday Link Up #40 - Treasured Tidbits by Tina — October 8, 2016 @ 11:14 pm

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