Welcome to our little oasis! Last week, I shared a tour of our House on the Hill just before we moved in, and today I want to share our elevated deck, a.k.a. outside oasis. We love the serenity, quiet view and country oasis our elevated deck offers. To capitalize on that oasis, I have adapted it to fit a few of our needs, while sticking to a budget. A very tight, budget. You will discover during our reveal that most of the items we used to give it appeal and warm, cozy feelings are items we recently inherited, purchased second hand, received as gifts or had in our stash and cost us ZERO dollars. How can you beat that?
During this reveal I will share how and why we created the space we have and share a few links to help you create your own.😀
I promise it was fairly simple and very inexpensive.
Let’s get started. Shall we? Read more »
Tags: aqua, blue, budget deck, Deck, deck decor, deck reveal, frugal deck, How-to, pillow covers, removable cushion cover, removable pillow cover, teal
House on the Hill Tours | Tina Miller |
July 29, 2018 6:44 pm |
Comments (7)

Today I want to introduce you to Front Porch Frank. He is our newest Scarecrow and my new best friend. He listens to my problems, doesn’t talk back and scares me every time I round the corner because I forget he’s there. Yep, it is an entertaining sight for the neighbors I’m sure since I tend to be deep in thought and suddenly I am squealing and grabbing my heart because there is a man sitting on my front porch. This is where I confess Frank has been in the same chair, same location for well over 2 weeks so I should be used to his company, but those boots still surprise me every.single.time.
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Tags: DIY, Fall Decor, Fall Porch Decor, Fun Family Project, How-to, Scarecrow, Tutorial, Upcycled Boots, Upcycled Flannel, Upcycled jeans, Upcycled Packaging
DIY Projects | Tina Miller |
September 28, 2016 8:00 am |
Comments (6)

This is it!
The first step in your journey to a cleaner, more organized home!
You asked for it and you got it!
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Want to create a one of a kind gift for a parent, friend or yourself?
This hand-painted stepping stone is perfect!
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Tags: Butterfly, DIY, Garden, Gift, Handpainted, How-to, Lupus Butterfly, Mother's Day Ideas, Purple, Simple, Stepping Stone, Tutorial
DIY Projects, Home Decor | Tina Miller |
April 30, 2014 10:08 pm |
Comments (2)

The hard part is DONE- now comes the FUN! DECORATING your cabinet tops.
For quick tips on deep cleaning your upper cabinets before decorating, click here.
Simple Tips For Decorating Your Cabinet Tops
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Simple Wooden Shamrock

A week before I wanted to launch this blog I found myself in my craft room with no defined plan for St. Patrick’s Day projects so I began searching for items I could use. I came across these chubby little hearts just waiting to be green and here we are. A fun, versatile, easy to make Wooden Shamrock was born.
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Tags: 2014_St_Pats, Cheap, DIY, Frugal, Green, How-to, Painted Hearts, Shamrock, St Patricks Day, Wooden Hearts
St Patrick's Day | Tina Miller |
March 4, 2014 1:41 am |
Comments (1)
“KISS ME I’M IRISH” St. Patrick’s Day Mantel

This fun Irish display cost less than $5.00 to make and was so simple to create.
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Tags: "KISS ME IM IRISH", 2014_St_Pats, Beads, DIY, Flowers, Green, How-to, Irish, Leprechaun, Mantel Display, March, Rolos, Spring, St Patricks Day, St' Patrick Display
St Patrick's Day | Tina Miller |
March 2, 2014 1:47 am |
Comments (2)