Category: Personal

After the Fire-Find the Positive

After the Fire

Three of Five Fire Trucks at the Scene

Three of Five Fire Trucks at the Scene

This week has reminded us of so many things to be thankful for.

First and foremost, we are thankful that our renters were not at home during the blaze.

  Thankful that no one was injured: firefighters, tenants or neighbors.

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I am Thankful for Creation


In the beginning God CREATED the heavens and the Earth

Genesis 1:1 KJV

I am thankful that He created and He gave us, as humans, the ability to dream and create as well.

I am Thankful for Creation

He didn’t create us as earthworms, to spend all day in the dirt-taking shelter where we can, getting stepped on by things MUCH larger than us, being eaten by birds, shriveling in the sun or drowning in the rain.

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