Controlling the Chaos Days 209-239 Preparing For an Amazing School Year
Welcome back to Controlling the Chaos! It is a new month and a fresh start. This month we are going to catch our breaths, recover from cleaning the kids rooms and supplies and prepare for an amazing school year.
If you are just joining us you are welcome to start at Day 1 OR you can join us right where we are today.
Whatever your choice, it is time to take action and CONTROL YOUR CHAOS!
Day 209: Monthly Checklist
Day 210: Add the school calendar to your phone and paper calendar.
Schedule any upcoming appointments- Dentist, Shots, Physical, Fittings, Etc…
Day 211: Have kids check, label, gather and pack any remaining school items including instruments, uniforms, shoes, music, PE socks, and new supplies
Day 212: Recover kid’s bedrooms. Make sure they are actively maintaining their rooms.
Day 213: DEEP CLEAN kid’s rooms
Day 214: Take kid’s back-to-school shopping for missing supplies and necessary clothes
Day 215: Weekly Checklist
Day 216: Gather & Purge Kids Games
Day 217: Gather & Purge Adult Board Games
Day 218: Gather & Purge Kid’s Puzzles
Day 219: Gather & Purge Adult Puzzles
Day 220: Organize ALL Games & Puzzles. See how we purged these BEFORE we attempted to organize them.
Day 221: Outside Maintenance
Day 222: Weekly Checklist
Day 223: Upload & Organize Summer Photos
Day 224: Update Emergency information at Home & In Everyone’s Phones. Have kids practice what to do in an emergency: stranger approaching, illness, bus accident, getting locked out, etc…
Day 225: Make a list of kids lunch & snacks- plan for the first month of school. Encourage them to share their opinion.
There is no reason to pack food that will only go to waste..
Day 226: Enjoy a day catching up or spend it with your kids and a friend
Day 227: Home Maintenance- pickup, straighthen, etc…
Day 228: Finish school shopping. IF you already have accomplish this then spend the day with your kids before the crazy school schedules start.
Day 229: Weekly Checklist
Day 230: Review and Update your budget (Add new medical bills, changes in monthly accounts, pictures, fundraisers, etc…)
Day 231: Purge, Clean & Organize Kid’s Medicine Chest Make a list of expired or missing items to be replaced during your next supplies trip.
Day 232: Purge, Clean, & Organize Kid’s Hair Supplies
Day 233: Purge, Clean, & Organize Kid’s Makeup and Nail Polish
Day 234: Purge, Clean, & Organize Kid’s Toiletries
Day 235: Outside Maintenance
Day 236: Weekly Checklist
Day 237: Purge & Organize ALL Bathroom Linens (rugs, towels, rags, curtains)
Day 238 : Purge & Organize ALL Sheets and Bedspreads
Day 239: Purge & Organize ALL Blankets and Quilts
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