Controlling the Chaos Month 6
If you have been following along since the beginning you have managed to conquer your kitchen, paper, digital, garage and outdoor chaos in the past six months.
This month we are tackling the dreaded kid’s room (or guest room, if you don’t have children). Now I must admit that I was unable to tackle most of last month’s checklist due to my back injury but we did make progress on it and that is all you can ask for. P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S.
Controlling the Chaos Month 6
Day 153: MONTHLY CHECKLIST– To find out why a monthly check list is important click here.
Day 154: Assess the room– Yep, ASK them what the trouble areas are and make a checklist of what needs organized (yours may vary from ours)
Day 155: Research and create a tentative organization plan. I say tentative because you may find that something better works once you purge and can really see what you have left.
Day 156: Outside Maintenance– I have found doing this weekly reduces overgrowth, pain and stress for our family.
Day 157: Weekly Checklist (Click here.)
Day 158: Declutter the floors
Day 159: Declutter ALL visible surfaces (We did the floors first so you wouldn’t break your neck on stray legos.)
Day 160: Clean out from under the beds and furniture. Make sure it is ALL put away properly OR in a covered box labeled (find a home).
Day 161: Try-On and Purge PJ’s, socks, undies, tights, etc…
Day 162: Try on and Purge ALL Tops & Bottoms
Day 163: Catch up on laundry (you know there was some in the room this week), wash the bedding and pillows. Replace worn out mattress covers, pillow protectors, sheets, etc….
Day 165: Try-on and Purge ALL Jackets (even those in the garage, car, coat closet, etc… you may be amazed at how many they ACTUALLY own).
Day 167: Try on and Purge ALL Belts, Suspenders, Shoes, Scarves, Hats and Accessories
Day 168: Pull out any “grow into” clothes and try them on, purging as you go.
Day 169: Take in any donations and consignment, mark rummage sale items, list Ebay, deliver any items you are giving to friends and family
Tip: Magic Erasers are FANTASTIC for quick cleaning most dolls and plastic toys. If they have small grooves and crevices a bit of Dawn with warm water in an ice cream bucket with a toothbrush works well too.
We usually simply have a small container for items that need to be cleaned and do so when we are done sorting. (If quick swipe won’t do it.)
Day 172: Purge and Sort Baby Dolls, Accessories and/or Cars
Day 173: Purge Dress up Clothes or Costumes
Day 174: Purge Barbie Dolls and Action Figures
Day 175: Purge Barbie Doll/Action Figure Clothes and Accessories
Tip: We keep a small container and put unmated shoes, socks, etc… in it and match them up every 6 months or so. It is a great quiet activity and teaches good skills. We all know that you will find a few more pieces as you tackle the rest of the room and other areas of the home.
Day 176: Purge Barbie Furniture & Accessories
Day 177: Purge & Clean Stuffed Animals
Tip 1: Build A Bear Makes a Spray and Brush that makes spot removal easy BUT we have found you can do the same with a damp rag and soft brush.
Tip 2: A quick vacuum with the brush attachment can bring life to old toys and remove the often stale odor they may get.
Day 179: Purge and Sort Toy Box
Tip: By having the containers for the smaller items already organized you can quickly and easily put away (or add to the missing pieces box) the small items that “somehow” get put into the toy box.
Day 180: Purge and Sort Coloring Books, Pages & Accessories
Day 181: Purge and Clean Books
Day 182: Purge and Clean Legos and Blocks
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