Our 5 Big Goals For 2017- We are planning to make it amazing!!!
Yep, folks we made it!
It is officially 2017, and I cannot wait to share the amazing things we have planned for 2017!!!
I have heard so many people say they couldn’t be happier that 2016 is over, and I can’t say I am not one of them. 2016 was full of ups and downs for those of us at Treasured Tidbits, not only financially but physically and emotionally as well. But… we persevered and we are ready to CRUSH 2017 in both our businesses and personal life.
I have been looking forward to today for months.
Today is the first day of a New Year, new chances and new business adventures. Business adventures we have been planning, cultivating and diligently building for months. I can’t wait to share them with you, but before we begin a 2017 overload, I want to share our main goals for 2017. Notice, I don’t call them resolutions because to me resolutions are easily broken, but goals are something to be attained, something to aim for and can be put aside in a time of trouble to be restarted when that trial passes. Our top five goals for 2017 are:
Focus more on quality family time.
Develop our businesses into money making adventures, to offset the operating costs and medical bills we have.
Focus on better eating- less preservatives, more all natural choices, while strengthening our core muscles.
Save a specific monthly amount to slush fund. If you read our 2016 savings update you will see why this is very important for our financial security.
Remove the remaining excess from our home while organizing it.
2017 Goal Breakdowns
I plan to achieve this goal by meeting these smaller goals:
- Eat dinner at the table 5 nights a week. I think doing this will motivate me to cook and have dinner ready, encourage my girls to eat more during scheduled times and encourage me to serve a square meal.
- Play a board game, make a gift for friends or do a puzzle three nights a week, after dinner.
- Set aside 2 weekends a month to visit out of town family. This is a challenge due to our physical issues and outside factors with the family we are visiting, but I want to make it a solid goal because to me it is important.
Now that the girls have joined me in working for ALL of our businesses, we have set some big goals for 2017, including turning a profit for some of the mini goals we have set in hopes of achieving this big goal.
- Accomplish a daily business and home checklist (each person) to help maintain our home and social medias.
- Work a set 2 hours a day digitally, together on a focused project (Mom will be working much more than that).
- Create a minimum of one new item a month to sell on Etsy.
- Create a line of branded items to sell in correlation which each of our blogs, including mugs, bags, t-shirts, cozies and printables.
- Offer monthly giveaways beginning January 15th.
- Promote my Clever Container Business and help others get organized too.
- Eating at the table will help with this.
- Return to creating a pre-planned weekly menu and shopping list.
- Monthly freezer cooking sessions. This should help eliminate the need for stress cooking.
- Grow our own garden.
- Take advantage of sales, family excess and the farmer’s market for fresh organic fruit and veggies to prep and freeze.
This one seems like it should be simple since I have already made the budget for 2017 to include the following slush funds.
- Car/Van Replacement
- Car/Van Repairs
- Medical Bills
- Christmas Gifts
- Yearly Gifts
- Pet Care
- Emergency
- House Repairs/Maintenance
- Clothes
We have come a long way in reducing clutter in our home since we began, in earnest, just a few years ago, but we still have several big projects to go, and I made sure to create specific goals for 2017 including timelines.
- Organize, list and sell the overwhelming pile of items we have to list on Ebay. -May
- Purge & Organize my girls collection of barbies, dolls and accessories. These were packed away when we combined rooms but need to be appropriately organized and purged now. -May
- Purge and organize our basement storage closet.
- Purge, organize, shred and recycle the single tote of papers from previous years.
- Organize and try the recipes in our ever growing recipe binder.
I have even begun setting goals for 2018. I have found it helps me to better stay focused on my 2017 goals. What are those goals? Get my photos, memorabilia, both digital and physical, sorted into albums and even journaled, but my the larger items and business plans need to come first.
What are your goals for 2017? Have you set any? We would love to hear them in the comments below (blogger feel free to include a link, if you posted yours), #treasuredgoals2017. We would love to cheer you on.
Want to read how our 2016 goals went? You can find that post here.
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