Welcome back to Controlling the Chaos! It is a new month and a fresh start. This month we are going to catch our breaths, recover from cleaning the kids rooms and supplies and prepare for an amazing school year.
If you are just joining us you are welcome to start at Day 1 OR you can join us right where we are today.
Whatever your choice, it is time to take action and CONTROL YOUR CHAOS!
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Controlling the Chaos Days 178-208
This is month has been set aside to devote to preparing your home for the upcoming school year. If you do not have school aged children you can devote it to getting your office, craft room or other area “under control”. We have also set aside every 7 days for Weekly Maintenance and Outside Maintenance since most homes have some sort of yard or outdoor space that needs regular maintenance.
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Tags: Chaos, Controlling the CHaos, Decluttering, Homework, Office Supplies, Organizing, School Prep, School Supplies, Station, Study
Controlling the Chaos | Tina Miller | June 28, 2016 1:37 pm | Comments (0)
Why I Love My New Desk
As I write this I am still unsure what I want to share and if you, as readers, even care but I am determined to write and share it.
As many of you know it has been another crazy season here at Treasured Tidbits and nothing much has gone according to plan BUT we are still pressing on.
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Yesterday, we decluttered, tackled laundry and dishes and found the inspiration to start our year “in control”.
Now it is time to remove and pack up any Christmas items you may still have out including outdoor lights, trees, garland, kitchen supplies, wrapping paper, etc …
Note: If you live in Central Illinois you may need to bring all of your outdoor items in and let them dry completely and check them to be certain they still work. (Experience speaking here).
Please remember to start the year off right by labeling and documenting ALL totes. (Post it notes and tape work well for this.)
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