Controlling the Chaos-Day 1-“Zoning”
The first day of our journey to Controlling the Chaos.
I imagine many of you are still tired and worn down from last night’s celebrating and the long holiday. (I am still recovering from a biopsy two days ago and a nasty bug for weeks before that).
If you are like me, you may still need to put away some of the holiday decor or clean up after house guests and THAT, my dears, is what we are going to focus on today.
I mean why try to “organize” when the laundry, dishes and stuff are piled up?
It is kind of like trying to put out a fire consuming your kitchen by working in the garage.
Am I right?
Today we are going to start the year off right and declutter, straighten or as we call it “zone” our homes.
What does this mean?