Are your refrigerator and freezer organized?
Do you want them to be organized?
I know I do. I also know that refrigerator/freezer organization is something our house struggles with If it isn’t bad enough, that no two bottles can be the same size, they have to be varying shapes too. Factor in various leftovers, fruit and veggies, food intolerances and allergies and your refrigerator/freezer can begin to look like a war zone.
Hopefully, some of these refrigerator freezer organization tools, tips and hacks will help you (and me) do just that.
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This week’s “How We Saved and Earned” list may not seem very large compared to previous posts, but we are still implementing many of the things we shared before, such as draft dodgers, “Just Make DO Challenge“, aprons, leftovers, back to back baking, etc… For a look back at those posts click here.
I also need to mention that we experienced a huge setback to our current emergency fund with the breakdown and repair of our furnace. A story I share here.
12 Ways We Saved and Earned This Week
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Tags: 60 Day Power Pure, Clever Container, Dairy Queen, Frugal, Ibotta, Kroger, money saving, Purina Pet Perks, Receipt Hog, Savings, Swagbucks, Walmart Savings Catcher
Money Saving Info | Tina Miller | January 24, 2016 11:44 pm | Comments (1)