Halloween Party On a Budget
First, just let me say, I don’t normally celebrate Halloween, let alone host a Halloween Party. Yeah, I might display a few ghosts for a few days and let my teenagers dress up and hand out candy, but when I signed up with House Party a few weeks ago and applied for a Borden Cheese sponsored party, I thought, “What the heck, Go for it!” We did AND we were accepted, so a #Sponsored #BordenCheeseParty it was.
We planned our Halloween Party on a budget, and were in no way compensated for THIS post by Borden Cheese or House Party themselves.
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Tags: Bones n Blood, Borden, Borden Cheese, Budget, Cheese, Colby, Food, FREE, Gouda, Halloween, House Party, Monterey Jack, Party, Potato Soup, Pumpkin Tacos, Tacos
Holidays/Seasonal | Tina Miller |
November 1, 2016 12:16 am |
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This is it!
The first day of our journey to better living, better food and better finances.
To start “Just Make Do January” we need to take stock.
How detailed you are in this is up to you.
We chose to be very thorough and clean and inventory every food cabinet, fridge and freezer as well as every cleaning supply, first aid item, then health and beauty bottle.
(I was feeling motivated).
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What is “Just Make Do January”?

“Just Make Do January” is the perfect opportunity to use up all the food, chemicals, health and beauty supplies in your home AND kick start an emergency fund in 2016.
“Just Make Do” means instead of running out and purchasing new we will be creative, be building new food combinations and using up any “leftover” bottles, supplies and groceries we have on hand.
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Tags: Declutter, Food, Organizing, Recipes, Saving Money, Use it Up
Cleaning, Decluttering, Encouragement, Organization, Personal | Tina Miller |
December 31, 2015 7:41 pm |
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