25 Ways We Supplemented Our Income in 2016

After reviewing our 2016 financial challenges and our 2017 goals, I realized that the only way we came out ahead in 2016 was by saving every way we could and supplementing our income by earning extra money, points and gift cards on the side. These projects, totaled over $3,000 total and inspired me to share a comprehensive list of how we supplemented our income in 2016, and maybe encourage you to supplement your income in 2017.
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Tags: Amazon Reward, Checkout51, Coin, Credit, Earn, FREE, Gift Card, Ibotta, Income, Kmart, My Survey, Point, Purina Kelloggs, Receipt Hog, Savingstar, SUpplement, Swagbucks, Target, Vindale, Walgreens, Walmart
Ways We Earn | Tina Miller |
January 2, 2017 9:29 pm |
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26 Great Ways We Saved and Earned This Week

As always, we have saved and earned using many of the methods we shared previously in the “Ways We Saved and Earned This Week” Series, including sticking to the “Just Make Do” Method, using draft dodgers, dressing warm, turning off lights, packing drinks and snacks for traveling and more.
Here are additional, specific ways we saved and earned this week.
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Tags: Amazon Subscribe and Save, Consignment, GETTING OUT OF DEBT, Ibotta, Kroger, Purina Pet Perks, Receipt Hog, Reward Programs, Ross, Saving, Swagbucks, Target
Money Saving Info | Tina Miller |
January 31, 2016 8:46 pm |
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This week’s “How We Saved and Earned” list may not seem very large compared to previous posts, but we are still implementing many of the things we shared before, such as draft dodgers, “Just Make DO Challenge“, aprons, leftovers, back to back baking, etc… For a look back at those posts click here.
I also need to mention that we experienced a huge setback to our current emergency fund with the breakdown and repair of our furnace. A story I share here.
12 Ways We Saved and Earned This Week
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Tags: 60 Day Power Pure, Clever Container, Dairy Queen, Frugal, Ibotta, Kroger, money saving, Purina Pet Perks, Receipt Hog, Savings, Swagbucks, Walmart Savings Catcher
Money Saving Info | Tina Miller |
January 24, 2016 11:44 pm |
Comments (1)

Each week we share how we saved by making wise choices and earned by using certain programs or apps. Hopefully this week’s list will inspire you.
Thirty Ways We Saved & Earned This Week (and you can too!)
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Tags: Aldis, Amazon Prime, Budget, earning from home, Frugality, Just Make Do, Kelloggs Family Rewards, Kroger, Planning Menus, Receipt Hog, Remarkable Resale, Saving Money, Swagbucks, Target
Ways We Saved | Tina Miller |
January 17, 2016 10:54 pm |
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