Posts tagged: County Market

16 Simple Ways To Make Your Money Stretch At County Market


16 Simple Tips To Save The Most At County Market

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Monday Menu #23


If you have been following Treasured Tidbits recently, you would have noticed that we have focused on organizing this month, or at least tried to with the 30 Day Organizing Challenge program just getting started.  I would love to say I am following it perfectly while sticking to our menu and shopping plans, BUT I AM NOT.

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Menu Monday#12 & This Week’s Shopping Trip

Menu Monday #12 Square

Menu Monday #12

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10+ Ways We Saved in May

10+ Ways We Saved in May

10 + Ways We Saved in May

To be honest, we didn’t do a lot to save in May, due to the injury in my back.  We chose to spend a little more to make things less stressful for all of us.  We didn’t go crazy with our spending, we just didn’t strive to save as much as we normally do.

In addition to the previous ways we saved, which we often repeat each month as “good practice,” we also made the following choices to help build our savings. Read more »

This Week’s Grocery Trip (June 2016)

This Week's Grocery Shopping Trip June 2016

This Week’s Grocery Trip (June 2016)

After a review of last month’s budget and the addition of our babysitting job I decided to upgrade the monthly grocery budget to $125/week. That is for four and a half people with varying food intolerances and limited diets. (I say half because our guest is only here 3 days a week.)

This week we spent $167+ but many of the items will be consumed over the next few weeks and our supplies (detergent, deodorant, etc… are included in a separate budget category.)

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April’s Shopping Haul #1

Aprils Shopping Haul #1

April Shopping Haul #1

Due to my health issues and severe pain when turning my head, writing, lifting my arms or driving, I chose to shop locally and with hubby this time.

I also decided to not to “stock up” on too many basics (we still have some fairly full cabinets and freezers).   Instead we shopped sales and bought meats.

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March’s County Market Shopping Trip

March's County Market Shopping Haul

This month’s County Market’s shopping trip was more than a bit unusual and cut short due to my daughters health and trying fit our items into a scooter/electronic shopping basket.  I chose to skip several items as they were heavy or awkward and we needed to leave as my daughter was struggling but I decided to share the purchases I did make as well as my new shopping secret weapon.

Now for the savings breakdown: Read more »

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