Category: Series

Controlling the Chaos Days 209-239 Preparing For an Amazing School Year

Controlling the Chaos Month 8 Catching Up and Reassessing Our PlanWelcome back to Controlling the Chaos!  It is a new month and a fresh start.  This month we are going to catch our breaths, recover from cleaning the kids rooms and supplies and prepare for an amazing school year.

If you are just joining us you are welcome to start at Day 1 OR you can join us right where we are today.

Whatever your choice, it is time to take action and CONTROL YOUR CHAOS!

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Controlling the Chaos Days 178-208 Preparing For School

Controlling the Chaos Month 7 Preparing For SchoolControlling the Chaos  Days 178-208

This is month has been set aside to devote to preparing your home for the upcoming school year.   If you do not have school aged children you can devote it to getting your office, craft room or other area “under control”.   We have also set aside every 7 days for Weekly Maintenance and Outside Maintenance since most homes have some sort of yard or outdoor space that needs regular maintenance.

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Controlling the Chaos Month 6

Controlling the Chaos Month 6 Coralling the Kids and Their Stuff


If you have been following along since the beginning you have managed to conquer your kitchen, paper, digital, garage and outdoor chaos in the past six months.

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Controlling the Chaos Month 5 Days 122-152 Outdoors and the Garage

Controlling the Chaos Month 5 The OUtdoors and the GarageWay to go!   If you have been following along your kitchen is done!  Not only is the “Chaos” controlled you have implemented plans to keep it that way.   It’s clean, efficient and should lead to a much less hectic lifestyle (especially with the menu plan in place).

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Controlling the Chaos Month 4 (Days 92-121)


Controlling the Chaos Months 3 & 4 Controlling the KitchenIf you are just joining the “Controlling the Chaos” Challenge we want to say Welcome we are happy to have you with us.

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Controlling the Chaos Month 3 (Days 61-91)

Controlling the Chaos Months 3 & 4 Controlling the Kitchen

If you are just joining the “Controlling the Chaos” Challenge we want to say Welcome we are happy to have you with us.

If you have been with us for awhile and followed along from the beginning I want to offer you a great, big high five!

You have conquered your paper piles, taken control of your digital disasters, and are learning to maintain your success thus far.

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Controlling the Chaos Days 45-60

Controlling the Chaos Month 2 Dominating the Digital

How is your chaos coming?

Are you beginning to feel more in control?  Falling behind?  Overwhelmed?

PLEASE don’t worry.  This list is created as a guideline not a regime.  Each of us is unique and so is our circumstances.  Please remember to take the time YOU need to tackle your “chaos”.

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What is a Clever Shopper?


Are you a CLever Shopper


What makes a clever shopper?

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Controlling the Clutter Challenge Days 38-44 Digital Clutter

COntrolling the Chaos Challenge Days 38-44 Digital Clutter

Controlling the Clutter Challenge

Days 38-44

Digital Clutter

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Controlling the Chaos-Days 33-37-Clearing Digital Clutter

COntrolling the Chaos Days 33-37

New month – New Project

Clearing and Controlling Digital Clutter

If you missed January and would like to begin with paper organization you can find those links here.

Are you excited to take control of your digital disaster?  I know I am (Hubby has been after me forever about my desktop screen and various other digital “projects”.)

This week we will be working with the following schedule:

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