Goals For 2016

Goals For 2016

Normally I am not one to set “goals” for the up coming year.  No “New Year Resolutions” for me.  I am simple.  I am boring, and most days I am just happy to putter along.  I make lists.  I make plans, but with life the way it is I don’t usually set goals and definitely don’t make resolutions.


THIS YEAR I am setting multiple goals; some will be hard and others will be easy.

I have decided it would be wise t0 share my goals for 2016 with everyone, ask them to motivate me and help me stay accountable.  (Yep, there is that word again.  You will see it a lot at Treasured Tidbits in 2016.)

I will be sharing updates on our goal progress, as well as sharing tips and pointers on how we are accomplishing some of them.  Such as saving $5,000-$10,000 while paying for two newly installed wood floors, paying off multiple medical bills, controlling the chaos we call paperwork and a house, and getting a handle on our health.

I hope that our ups and downs, tips, tricks, and mistakes may inspire you as well.

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Warm Winter Wishes From Our House to Yours

Warm Winter Wishes with Kitten 2015

Why I Wanted to Quit Blogging Burn EVERY Christmas Decoration, Craft Supply and Additional Décor I Own.

Quit BLogging and Burn

Yep, you heard that right!

I, Tina M., the calm, non-violent, love to create and decorate person I am was ready to BURN it ALL!.

What could lead to this extreme desire?

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8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home- Week 4-Master Bedroom

8 Weeks to a Cleaner More oRganized Home Week 4


8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home

The Master Bedroom (and closet)

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8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home- Week 3- The Dining Room

Week 3

8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home

The Dining Room

8 Weeks to a Cleaner More Organized Home week 3 The Dining Room

Way to go!

You have made it to Week 3 and you have a cleaner and more organized entry way and living room to show for it.

Now it is time to tackle the room that is very often the “catch all” for loose papers, odd items and anything else we tend to not have a home for.

The Dining Room

TIP:If you do not have a dining room please pick another area of your home to work on.  This will help keep your momentum going and help you stay on track OR back up and catch any items you missed in the previous areas.

As always we suggest you start with the basic assessment list and removing ANY items that do not belong in this room.

Clear the table, cabinets, floor and shelves of ALL unnecessary items.

For some of you this may take 10 minutes and other may take an entire day or more.

Just remember that ANY progress is progress.

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8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home Week 2: The Living Room (After)

Week 2 Before 8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home

8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home

Week 2:  The Living Room

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Grandpa- A Poem for an Amazing Man

Grandpa Poem

I wrote this poem shortly before my grandfather’s anticipated passing and decided to share it on the one year anniversary of his death.  It doesn’t even begin to share the love, guidance and faith he provided our family with, but it did give me a way to vent my emotions during a trying time.  There isn’t a day goes by that Grandpa doesn’t come to mind, visit my dreams or whisper in my ear (not always so quietly).  He was a an important part of my life and left his mark on so many, in both our family and community.  I realize this is a bit off the path of my usual posts, but this post and poem were written for me and anyone who knew him and wants to remember him and the AMAZING man he was.

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8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home- Week 2-The Living Rooms

8 Weeks to A Cleaner More Organized Home Week 2


The Living Room(s)

8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home

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My Progress-Week 1-8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home-Fall 2015

8 Weeks Patio Furniture AfterMy Progress

Week 1

The Entry Area

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8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home-Week 1-Part 2

8 Weeks Week 1

8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home

Week 1 -Part 2

The Inside Entry and Hall

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