Just Make Do-Day 3

Welcome to Just Make Do-Day 3

How is your family coping with the “Just Make Do” concept?

Ours is already struggling!

Just Make Do Day 3

I honestly didn’t expect to struggle with “Just Make Do-January” until at least week two but we have already had a few comments from my teens and hubby.

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Control the Chaos-Day 2

Controlling the Chaos Day 2 Clear the ChristmasYesterday, we decluttered, tackled laundry and dishes and found the inspiration to start our year “in control”.

Now it is time to remove and pack up any Christmas items you may still have out including outdoor lights, trees, garland, kitchen supplies, wrapping paper, etc …

Note:  If you live in Central Illinois you may need to bring all of your outdoor items in and let them dry completely and check them to be certain they still work.  (Experience speaking here).

Please remember to start the year off right by labeling and documenting ALL totes.  (Post it notes and tape work well for this.)

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Just Make Do-Day 2

Just Make Do

Day 2

Creating a Menu

Just Make Do Day 2

Today we put your inventory list to use by creating a menu.

Never created a menu?   Now is a great time to start.

To be honest the first week should be fairly easy (it may become a wee bit more challenging as we consume the easy to use items in our pantries this week).

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Controlling the Chaos-Day 1-“Zoning”

This is it!Controlling the Clutter Day Recovering From the Holidays

The first day of our journey to Controlling the Chaos.

I imagine many of you are still tired and worn down from last night’s celebrating and the long holiday.  (I am still recovering from a biopsy two days ago and a nasty bug for weeks before that).

If you are like me, you may still need to put away some of the holiday decor or clean up after house guests and THAT, my dears, is what we are going to focus on today.

I mean why try to “organize” when the laundry, dishes and stuff are piled up?

It is kind of like trying to put out a fire consuming your kitchen by working in the garage.

Am I right?

Today we are going to start the year off right and declutter, straighten or as we call it “zone” our homes.

What does this mean?

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Just Make Do January-Day 1

Just Make Do January Day 1 InventoryThis is it!

The first day of our journey to better living, better food and better finances.

To start “Just Make Do January” we need to take stock.

How detailed you are in this is up to you.

We chose to be very thorough and clean and inventory every food cabinet, fridge and freezer as well as every cleaning supply, first aid item, then health and beauty bottle.

(I was feeling motivated).

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Controlling The Chaos-January Schedule-Paperwork

Controlling the Chaos Month 1 The Paperwork Monster

This is it!

2016 is finally upon us and it is time to dig in and Control the Chaos.

Because paperwork is the nemesis of millions of homes, my own included, paper is where we chose to start. If we can control the paper we have and gain control of the paper coming in, so much more of our lives would be less chaotic.

We will have less missed appointments, last minute or day late birthday wishes, over due bills or missed out deals.  Controlling paperwork will create less stress over all.

Below you will find the “Control the Chaos” January schedule both a printable version and an online version.  Yes, we are are adding to the paper pile.  It may be a necessary evil for now.

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“Just Make Do” January

What is “Just Make Do January”?

Just Make Do January Button

Just Make Do January” is the perfect opportunity to use up all the food, chemicals, health and beauty supplies in your home AND kick start an emergency fund in 2016.

Just Make Do” means instead of running out and purchasing new we will be creative, be building new food combinations and using up any “leftover” bottles, supplies and groceries we have on hand.

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Decluttering Your Mind & Life a.k.a Controlling the Chaos



Why did we choose the title “Controlling the Chaos” and not a series on decluttering?

Because my hopes for this series include so much more than just decluttering and organizing.  I hope it will help me and others like me make lifestyle changes to reduce the chaos and clutter in our lives and minds.  I know the steps I have taken so far have worked wonderfully.

I hope this series will help guide you into making better choices and decisions about how you address everything that enters your life and mind every, single day From how and when you wake up to how you prepare for bed, from how you address incoming mail to how and when you pay your bills, create your budget and build your menu, etc… as well as removing and organizing the physical clutter in your life.

“Clutter” isn’t only something you can see but it is something you feel.

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Why We Have A Daily, Weekly & Monthly Checklist

Why we have a daily, weekly & monthly checklist

Have we always had a daily, weekly and monthly checklist?


I have always had a daily checklist and an ongoing to-do list that I add to daily but it wasn’t until recently I made a more thorough set of useful, printable checklists.

Why a Daily Checklist?

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25 Simple Ways We Saved This Week

25 Simple Ways We Saved This Week


25 Ways We Saved This Week

1.)  We stayed home.

Yep, very simple.  We did not participate in shopping online or in store the day after Christmas

2.)  We created a paycheck by paycheck budget for 2016, beginning with the check we received on Christmas (we get paid bi-weekly).  My wonderful hubby even created a spreadsheet to update as I change the numbers when bill amounts fluctuate.  (Saving me a huge amount of time doing math each month.)

3.)  We were blessed with perishable groceries from an unusual source.

We have a family friend leaving for a short family visit and they asked if we wanted to consume their perishables while they were gone.  Of course!  A gallon of milk, some fresh, crisp apples and other assorted items means we saved at least $10 we would otherwise have spent on perishables this week.

4.)  We joined and uploaded receipts to Receipt Hog.

We earned 280 coins by uploading this week’s receipts (for any store), filling in our information, playing a free “pull” and confirming our email.  If you would like to earn free money that can be cashed in for PayPal or Amazon Gift Cards, I suggest you sign up too.  If you use this code SKAN9388 when you sign up, we will both receive a free “spin”.  ( My first spin earned me 14 coins towards those gift cards).  I figure I already spent the money at the store, a few extra minutes to upload the receipt is worth the gift cards at the end of the year.

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