Posts tagged: Decluttering

The 7 Minute Home Maintenance Plan (That Works)

The 7 Minute Maintenance Plan That Works

A few weeks ago, I shared how a 3-layer chocolate cake changed my view on life and “clutter”.  I wasn’t sure that I should be so open and honest in a post about my home, family and shortcomings, but it was a hit with the people who needed it.  Over 50% of those who read it, went on to share it and many contacted me to let me know just how much it struck a chord with them.

That is what I pray for when I create a blog post, not to go viral, but to inspire others to be uplifted or aided by my post.  (Not that I would mind going viral.)

Today I want to share how I have been maintaining the house now that it has been “de-cluttered” and is much, much easier to maintain.

I call it “zoning” or “maintenance” rather than cleaning.

It just makes it sound so much easier and less stressful.

Don’t you think?

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Controlling the Clutter Challenge Days 38-44 Digital Clutter

COntrolling the Chaos Challenge Days 38-44 Digital Clutter

Controlling the Clutter Challenge

Days 38-44

Digital Clutter

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What A 3-Layer Cake Taught Me About Decluttering and Special Moments

What This Cake Taught Me About Decluttering and Special Moments

For starters, lets just put it out there.

I am an (undiagnosed) 42 year old mom with ADD, OCD and hoarding tendencies.  A crazy combination, let me tell ya.  I thrive on being involved in lots of stuff, and I am already planning new things before that “stuff” is even finished.  Sound familiar?  I am one of those people who could have a five bedroom house with three projects in progress in every room (and 100 more stacked in another).  Of course, these projects would be spread ALL over the room and take days and days to finish because they would need to be perfect while the rest of my house fell apart and I had a nervous breakdown, over the mess and stress.  I would still be planning my next project.  I swear, my brain never shuts down.

I love to recycle and “buy” things because they are cheap or free.  Yard sales, clearance, thrift stores, estate sales, these are my nemesis.  I bring tons of things home for “future projects” that I end up just moving around and reorganizing 100x.  Can I get an amen from anyone like me?

This past December I became very sick.  More than my usual challenges I could barely stand up, walk and breathe without severe pain or struggling for breath.  Then a routine exam showed a mass in my right breast and we decided to have a precautionary biopsy.

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Controlling the Chaos Challenge Day-Day 16-Your Vehicle

COntrolling the Chaos Day 16 CLean Out Your Vehicle

Controlling The Chaos Challenge-Day 16-Clean Out Your Vehicle

I know, I know it is probably quite cold outside BUT it NEEDS done, today.  (You may need some of the information from the papers later this week.)

I personally, thought I would only find a few odds and ends for the trash can in our vehicle glove box and storage areas.


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Just Make Do Challenge-Day 15-The Freezer

Today we are purging and organizing the freezer.

Just Make Do Challenge 2016 Day 15

Our freezer door Day 1 & Day 12


If you have been “Just Making Do”  for the past 14 days this process should be MUCH easier today than it was on Day One.

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Controlling the Chaos Challenge-Days 10-14

COntrolling the Chaos Challenge Days 10 to 14

Controlling the Chaos Challenge-Days 10-14

Apparently I have am MUCH farther behind (in posting) for this series than I anticipated.   I have been following my calendar but I have not been sharing with you and I apologize.

I can’t say our house has been chaotic.  It has actually been quite calm (and neat) but we have been struggling with more difficult than usual health issues, which of course effects, everything.   That, in addition to the all the projects I have going, plus internet issues has definitely set me back on posting this series but enough excuses, let’s get down to business.

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Just Make Do-Get Organized

Just Make Do

Just Make Do Get Organized

Days 9, 10, 11, 12

Get Organized!

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Control the Chaos-Day 2

Controlling the Chaos Day 2 Clear the ChristmasYesterday, we decluttered, tackled laundry and dishes and found the inspiration to start our year “in control”.

Now it is time to remove and pack up any Christmas items you may still have out including outdoor lights, trees, garland, kitchen supplies, wrapping paper, etc …

Note:  If you live in Central Illinois you may need to bring all of your outdoor items in and let them dry completely and check them to be certain they still work.  (Experience speaking here).

Please remember to start the year off right by labeling and documenting ALL totes.  (Post it notes and tape work well for this.)

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Controlling the Chaos-Day 1-“Zoning”

This is it!Controlling the Clutter Day Recovering From the Holidays

The first day of our journey to Controlling the Chaos.

I imagine many of you are still tired and worn down from last night’s celebrating and the long holiday.  (I am still recovering from a biopsy two days ago and a nasty bug for weeks before that).

If you are like me, you may still need to put away some of the holiday decor or clean up after house guests and THAT, my dears, is what we are going to focus on today.

I mean why try to “organize” when the laundry, dishes and stuff are piled up?

It is kind of like trying to put out a fire consuming your kitchen by working in the garage.

Am I right?

Today we are going to start the year off right and declutter, straighten or as we call it “zone” our homes.

What does this mean?

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Just Make Do January-Day 1

Just Make Do January Day 1 InventoryThis is it!

The first day of our journey to better living, better food and better finances.

To start “Just Make Do January” we need to take stock.

How detailed you are in this is up to you.

We chose to be very thorough and clean and inventory every food cabinet, fridge and freezer as well as every cleaning supply, first aid item, then health and beauty bottle.

(I was feeling motivated).

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