Yep, it has been a REALLY slow week on Treasured Tidbits again this week and as I shared on our Facebook Page I will be reducing the number of posts shared here.
I will continue to share both holiday, seasonal and household crafts projects and a few updates on the changes in my home but I will not be following a regular schedule.
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Hello again from frozen central Illinois.
We are currently covered in a shiny, white, winter wonderland and expect even more tomorrow.
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Welcome to another Sharing Sunday at Treasured Tidbits.
We had a fairly busy week with sick kids, homeschooling, my own physical challenges and of course freezing weather so our posts were a little light this week.
We began with a fun, easy Valentine’s Day Project my youngest daughter and I made on Monday.
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Welcome to our 2016 Goal Update. I chose to title this post, “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” because that is EXACTLY what it is. Read more »
Tags: 2016, Budget, Business, Business Goals, Decluttering, Dreams, goals, Health, Helath GOals, Home, Hopes, Organizing, Plans, Savings, Savings Goals, Spending
Uncategorized | Tina Miller |
September 30, 2016 11:48 am |
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Today I want to introduce you to Front Porch Frank. He is our newest Scarecrow and my new best friend. He listens to my problems, doesn’t talk back and scares me every time I round the corner because I forget he’s there. Yep, it is an entertaining sight for the neighbors I’m sure since I tend to be deep in thought and suddenly I am squealing and grabbing my heart because there is a man sitting on my front porch. This is where I confess Frank has been in the same chair, same location for well over 2 weeks so I should be used to his company, but those boots still surprise me every.single.time.
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Tags: DIY, Fall Decor, Fall Porch Decor, Fun Family Project, How-to, Scarecrow, Tutorial, Upcycled Boots, Upcycled Flannel, Upcycled jeans, Upcycled Packaging
DIY Projects | Tina Miller |
September 28, 2016 8:00 am |
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Big changes are coming to Treasured Tidbits in 2017!!!
Changes I can’t wait to put into place and see what takes shape.
For starters my oldest daughter has joined our journey and is taking over the VA jobs, freeing up my time.
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Tags: 2017, Changes, Decluttering, DIY, Featured Moms, Financial Freedom, Home Decor, Low Budget, Menu Planning, Plans
Encouragement | Tina Miller |
July 25, 2016 11:59 am |
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Menu Monday #9
This week’s menu and shopping were easy since we moved most of last week’s meals back a few days due to hospital/doctor visits. As you can see the homemade chicken soup was added to this week’s list. That would be because I had thawed my “soup bucket” and needed to consume it soon.
As a matter of fact it is in the crock pot as I type this.
Below you will find our planned menu as well as our main shopping trips.
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Today I want to share a project that had a huge impact in our master bedroom and cost only a tiny bit of time and money.
In the post last month I shared 7 Ways to Brighten ANY room on a Budget. This post shares an additional way liven things up for little to no cost.
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As many of you know I set very lofty goals of saving $5,000-$10,000 this year.
I also wanted to upgrade, brighten and organize the two main bedrooms while we had them emptied to replace the carpets with solid oak wood floors.
During that process I found several ways I could change our rooms or “brighten” them without spending a dime.
I just needed a little imagination, willingness for change and a lot of elbow grease, cleaner, rags and water.
Most of these may seem like simple changes but the difference they can make is AMAZING.
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