Now is your chance to purge all those items you skimmed over or haven’t gotten to yet.
Please keep in mind this list was created with our home in mind. Yours may vary slightly, or you may still be working on items from the previous checklist.
This month is all about purging, not organizing, not cleaning, just purging our home of everything we can put into the garage sale before winter. Originally we planned our garage sale just to clear our home of clutter, but with the huge amount of medical bills we now have I am hoping to use my part of the proceeds to rebuild our emergency fund. AND I have promised myself that nothing left from the sale will still be here after 7 days. Seven days gives me enough time to drop it off to the various resale, consignment and donation shops we frequent.
What are you going to do with your items? Decide NOW before you just create “another” pile.
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If you are just joining the “Controlling the Chaos” Challenge we want to say Welcome we are happy to have you with us.
If you have been with us for awhile and followed along from the beginning I want to offer you a great, big high five!
You have conquered your paper piles, taken control of your digital disasters, and are learning to maintain your success thus far.
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This is it!
The first day of our journey to Controlling the Chaos.
I imagine many of you are still tired and worn down from last night’s celebrating and the long holiday. (I am still recovering from a biopsy two days ago and a nasty bug for weeks before that).
If you are like me, you may still need to put away some of the holiday decor or clean up after house guests and THAT, my dears, is what we are going to focus on today.
I mean why try to “organize” when the laundry, dishes and stuff are piled up?
It is kind of like trying to put out a fire consuming your kitchen by working in the garage.
Am I right?
Today we are going to start the year off right and declutter, straighten or as we call it “zone” our homes.
What does this mean?
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Week 3
8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home
The Dining Room
Way to go!
You have made it to Week 3 and you have a cleaner and more organized entry way and living room to show for it.
Now it is time to tackle the room that is very often the “catch all” for loose papers, odd items and anything else we tend to not have a home for.
The Dining Room
TIP:If you do not have a dining room please pick another area of your home to work on. This will help keep your momentum going and help you stay on track OR back up and catch any items you missed in the previous areas.
As always we suggest you start with the basic assessment list and removing ANY items that do not belong in this room.
Clear the table, cabinets, floor and shelves of ALL unnecessary items.
For some of you this may take 10 minutes and other may take an entire day or more.
Just remember that ANY progress is progress.
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8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home
Week 2: The Living Room
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8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home
Week 1 -Part 2
The Inside Entry and Hall
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Week 1
8 Weeks to a Cleaner, More Organized Home
The Outside Entry Area
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Today’s “makeover” is once again not anything visually exciting.
I haven’t bought new bedding or curtains, painted the walls or created a masterpiece.
I cleaned, scrubbed, polished, purged and reorganized instead.
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Hope everyone is having a great New Year!
I know we are on this frozen snowy day.
I cannot believe how much we have accomplished in the last week and how free it makes me feel.
I decided Sunday would be a good time to share our “week in review” and my “goals” for the following week.
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Ever wonder what to do with your odd socks?
Here are 15 Unusual Uses
Some fun, some funny and some hard work. I hope you enjoy!
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